I have more than 12 years of experience in teaching and conducting research in academia. I am currently working as lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the University of Liechtenstein where I am teaching courses on philosophy, human rights, and co-teaching a course on culture. Prior to that I worked as Assistant Professor at the International Academy of Philosophy and Director of the Research Center for Peace and Human Dignity.

Because I am deeply convinced that the human person should be (re)placed in the centre of all our endeavours, I always try to act according to the following core values: respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, sense of responsibility, authenticity, and integrity.

My reasearch interests in philosophy lie in the fields of social and political philosophy (political theory, politics and ethics, peace, intercultural dialogue), philosophical anthropology (human dignity, human rights, menschenbild), and ethics (realism, universalism, relativism, political ethics, social ethics).

I have complemented my academic education with various further education programmes among which: a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Human Rights from the University of Geneva, a Certificate in Human Rights for Open Societies (Utrecht University), and several other programmes in interculturality, higher education didactics, and educational media didactics; I am currently attending the Compliance-Officer Certificate Programme offered by the University of Liechtenstein.

Critical and networked thinking informs my whole attitude; open to the world and eager to learn from others, I am thrilled by professional challenges that are centered on these above-mentioned fields.

* This website is my personal website. Thus, ideas expressed therein don’t engage any of the institutions I am linked with.

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