- Gueye, C.M. “When the Humanities Enter the Engineering Lab: The Need for a Cosmopolitan Education”, in: Joanna Sosnicka, ed., An Engineer with a Humanist’s Soul. Humanistic Issues of Technological World. (Lodz: Lodz University of Technology Press, 2019), pp. 26-35.
- Gueye, C.M. “A Defense of a Natural Law Based View of Human Rights”, in: Mariano Crespo (Hg.), Filosofia transcendental, Fenomenologia y Derecho natural (Transcendental Philosophy, Phenomenology and Natural Law). Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms Verlag), 2018, pp. 71-86.
- Gueye, C.M. “Human Rights and Cultural Diversity. Some Criticisms of Alison Renteln’s Theory of Cultural Defense”, in: Andreas Oberprantacher and Anne Siegetsleitner (Hg.), Mensch Sein – Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel? Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2017, pp. 381-389.
- Gueye, C.M. “Why is Cultural Moral Relativism Wrong”. Diktatur des Relativismus, Marian Gruber (ed.). Heiligenkreuz: Be&Be Verlag, 2014, pp. 182-198. ISBN: 978-390269458.
- Gueye, C.M. 2011. “Reaching the Suffering Other: On Compassion.” Caring for Others. Humanistic Sketches. Sósnicka, J. and Dobrolowicz, J. (eds.). Kielce: Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, pp. 87-98. This book is published in Polish. Polish title reads: Troska o Innego. Skice Humanistyczne. My article, “Docierajac do cierpiacego. O wspólczuciu”, is translated by Pawel Bernat.
- Gueye, C.M. 2011. “Ethical Personalism: An Introduction.” Ethical Personalism. Gueye, C.M. (ed.). Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, pp. 7-16. ISBN: 978-3-11-032913-1.
- Gueye, C.M. 2008. “Appropriating Otherness: A Stoic Humanist Perspective.” L’invention de l’autre. Nowicki, J. and Porebski, C. (eds.) Paris: Sandre, pp. 183-197. ISBN: 978-2914958943.
- Gueye, C.M. 2008. “Bridging Cultural Differences: Advocating a Cosmopolitan Perspective.” Barriers of Humanity: Selected Theoretical-Methodological Aspects. Sósnicka, J. and Kardaczynska, M. (eds.). Kielce: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Umiejetnosci im. Stanislawa Staszica w Kielcach, pp. 37-53. The book’s title in Polish reads: Bariery Czlowieczenstwa. Wybrane aspekty teoretyczno-metodologiczne. My article, translated by Pawel Bernat is entitled “O przezwyciezaniu róznic kulturowych. Slów kilka o zaletach kosmopolityzmu.”
- Gueye, C.M. 2006. “Dialogue within an Intercultural Context: Requirements, Expectations and Perspectives.” Human Civilizations and Cultures: From Dialogue to Alliance. Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by ISESCO in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Culture and Heritage Preservation, 30/1 – 1/2/2006, Tunis, Tunisia. ISBN: 9981-26-428-8.
- Gueye, C.M. 2006. “On the Relevance of the Stoic Message on World Citizenship.” Proceedings of the VII Ukrainian Scientific Conference, 29-31 March 2006. Kiev: Ukrainian National University, pp. 40-46.
- Gueye, C.M. 2005. “Peace and Intercultural Dialogue: An Introduction.” Peace and Intercultural Dialogue. Prince Nikolaus von und zu Liechtenstein, Gueye, C.M. (eds.) Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, pp. 9-19. ISBN: 978-3-8253-5075-8.
- Gueye, C.M. 2005. “Overcoming Prejudices as a Condition of Peace.” Peace and Intercultural Dialogue. Prince Nikolaus von und zu Liechtenstein, Gueye, C.M. (eds.) Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, pp. 83-103. ISBN: 978-3-8253-5075-8.
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